Monday, December 12, 2011

12-12-11: Visit by the kayak club

I held an open house and the local kayak club was invited. I had lined up with my pc and projector, tools, books and paper and of coarse my kayak as is. I was very excited about how many people would show up. To my pleasent surprise there came 15 - 20. I forgot to count how many we were. It was so much fun to have the opportunity to talk with others about the build.

Friday, December 9, 2011

09-12-11: Extra coat of epoxy on the deck.

The deck just got an extra coat of epoxy.

The two hatch covers was coated as well.

 I was experimenting with a  solution for the deck cords. I think this will work fine.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

03-12-2011: Hatch flanges continued.

The hatch flanges are now done. When the hatches are in place they are flush with the deck surface. I really like the look of it.

I have placed pieces of the rubber gasket to hold the hatch in the correct hight.

To hold the hatches I plan to use the moby hatch lock.
Something like this one:
or this:
or this:
I have been thinking....
To make the grip of the moby's stronger I could:
1) Use a more powerfull bungee cord.
2) Increase the diameter of the "moby head", i.e. increase the momentum arm 1.
3) Decrease the arm length, i.e. decrease momentum arm 2.

I think I will have to make some kind of mashup to test before deciding on the final dimensions.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

29-11-2011: Bow hatch flange.

Just glued the bow hatch flange in place and made the small cutouts for my fingertips for lifting the hatches up.

The stern hatch flange is already glued in place, but I can stil grind the space for my fingertips.